Free Monthly Forecast
Free Astrology Chart and Free Sample Report

This report looks at the major astrological influences coming your way in the next month or a period of one month from a date of your choosing. What do Relationships, Finance and Health have in store for you?.

We have all wondered from time to time what the future holds for us, however only one practise has claimed to have some knowledge of what that will be, and that is Astrology. From the daily planetary movements and their relationship to your birth chart we derive insights into the highlights of the coming month. Although for a shorter period this report offers extra detail over the Yearly Forecast.

Enter the Person's Birth Details
Date of birth:
Time of birth:
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About Your Reports
Reports are displayed directly in your browser. They are available immediately online. Containing a sample of the full report, you may then later upgrade to the full version if you wish. Enjoy!