Paranoid digital nomad Blissweb studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Polytechnic of Wales and later Chinese Language at the Beijing University of Technology.

He started his career working on the computer systems of Barclays Bank in the UK for 6 years and then moved on to Graphical User Interface consulting projects in Australia for BHP Steel and Fujitsu. This was followed by a 7 year stint in Silicon Valley USA during the DotCom boom working at big database companies like Informix, and consulting on some of the first ever web projects by Nike and American Express, (where he first encountered David - the other Techie)

Later he moved to China to study all things Chinese and worked in photography while continuing to consult for Australian business intelligence companies and the UK Astrology enterprises of this very web site, tasked with taking the architecture, design, speed and usability to the next level.

These days he can be found working in a McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, or Starbucks somewhere in one of the world's mega cities, or underwater off some tropical island in Southeast Asia or the South Pacific.